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- <text>
- <title>
- (1930s) Japan & China
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1930s Highlights
- </history>
- <link 05236>
- <link 07851>
- <link 00052><article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- Japan & China
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> [Japan, newly emerged at the end of the 1920s as a first-class
- power with a modern industrial economy and armed forces, was not
- a fascist state. Militarist anarchy better described the
- political system: any politician perceived as being a threat to
- the dominance of the armed services was forced out of office,
- or equally often, murdered out of hand, by factions of officers.
- Several prime ministers were assassinated, and the God-Emperor
- himself was more than once a target.
- </p>
- <p> Japan also wanted an empire. It had some compelling reasons
- for doing so: the country was resource-poor and could not feed
- itself; as the tariff walls of the Depression rose against its
- exports, it became even harder to import enough rice. As a
- result of earlier military victories, Japan already ruled Korea,
- Taiwan, Sakhalin and China's Shantung Peninsula. In 1931, a
- Japanese-engineered incident outside Mukden, in Manchuria, was
- the excuse for the swift invasion and occupation of China's
- chief industrial area by Japanese troops. China, crippled by a
- complete breakdown of tradition, law and order, was in no
- position to put up much resistance.
- </p>
- <p> Throughout the early 1930s, China was also convulsed by civil
- war between Communist guerrillas, led by Chu Teh and Mao
- Tse-tung, and the ineffectual Nationalists, headed de facto and
- often in fact by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The latter
- presided over a precarious coalition of warlords, business
- magnates, and politicos. The Japanese took advantage of the
- chaos to keep up pressure for more and more economic and
- territorial concessions from the weak Chinese government.
- </p>
- <p> By 1936, the Chinese Communist armies had completed their
- epic, 6,000-mile "Long March" from southeast China to northwest,
- and were ensconced in Yenan, when the word went out from Moscow
- that Communists were now to cooperate with nationalist and other
- forces to fight Russia's enemies, including fascists and
- Japanese. Accordingly, Chiang had to be persuaded to allow his
- troops to fight alongside the Communists, and against the
- Japanese.]
- </p>
- <p>(December 28, 1936)
- </p>
- <p> On hundreds of millions of lips last week was the name of a
- most unhappy woman. Mme Chiang. Four hundred and fifty million
- Chinese could imagine nothing more poignant than the reported
- fainting and prostration of Dictator Chiang Kai-shek's wife as
- she sat beside a radio in her sumptuous Nanking home and heard
- her husband's kidnapper, the Young Marshal Chang Hsuehliang
- broadcast from Sian in central China that his men had not only
- kidnapped but also murdered China's Dictator.
- </p>
- <p> Presently the Nanking censor passed dispatches saying it was
- only the Japanese Domei News Agency which had invented "that
- appalling falsehood," the story of the broadcast from Sian
- having said the Dictator was dead.
- </p>
- <p> The "Official" Program of Kidnapper Chang was as follows
- (full text): "The Central (Nanking) Government (of China) has
- not been sincere in carrying out resistance against Japan. This
- has been shown by lengthy negotiations and the suppression of
- patriotic movements. So we must gather our forces, overthrow the
- Central Government and expedite the national salvation.
- </p>
- <p> "China should consider an immediate anti-Japanese military
- expedition her only national task at present. Therefore we could
- not wait longer. We want to fight.
- </p>
- <p> "In order to consolidate our strength we must unite all
- patriotic forces and public bodies in a common struggle against
- Japanese imperialism.
- </p>
- <p> "Therefore, the leading political parties of China, namely,
- the Kuomintang [Government Party] and the Communist parties,
- should unite for the common good.
- </p>
- <p> "Anti-Communist military operations should be stopped and all
- the country's guns should be directed against Japan.
- </p>
- <p> "A national defense government should be established for the
- purpose. The present Kuomintang Government should be abolished.
- </p>
- <p> "It is regrettable that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek still
- opposes our ideas. So long as he remains opposed he shall remain
- at Sian in order to think it over at his leisure. I personally
- guarantee his safety and hope he will agree with our policy."
- </p>
- <p> If any such policy as the above had been broadcast to the
- Chinese people by their Government, except as a policy urged by
- a Chinese kidnapper meriting worse than death, it would have had
- to be considered in Tokyo by every Japanese from the Emperor
- down as the most extreme Chinese provocation and invitation to
- war.
- </p>
- <p> Dictator Chiang has for so many years played such a tedious
- waiting game that the Young Marshal, when he publicly demanded
- as part of the "ransom" fortnight ago that the Nanking
- Government speed up and declare war on Japan, was voicing the
- aspiration of millions of Chinese. The announced policy of the
- kidnapper is so exceedingly popular--even if it is an
- ex-dope's not too bright idea--that almost every Chinese
- inevitably must be more or less drawn to it, even Dictator
- Chiang, who knows that he cannot procrastinate forever.
- </p>
- <p> It was Chinese and it was masterly to put the whole program
- of war with Japan out officially from Nanking last week and see
- what would happen, especially what Japan would do. Japan had
- done so little up to this week, and Nanking had received so many
- telegrams of passionate loyalty to the Government from so many
- outlying Chinese military satraps that the kidnapping was going
- fine, even if somebody should get killed.
- </p>
- <p>(January 4, 1937)
- </p>
- <p> In their cables this week, seasoned China correspondents had
- an adjective for the way in which the kidnapping of Premier &
- Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was ended, and all adjective was
- "preposterous." In any Occidental sense it was preposterous that
- the most powerful man in Eastern Asia should have been violently
- over-powered with the killing of 46 of his guards; lost his
- false teeth in the process; insisted upon reading the Bible
- during most of his 13 days' captivity at the hands of a "onetime
- dope fiend," Young Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang; and then should
- suddenly have returned by air to Nanking announcing that he
- himself was partly to blame for his own kidnapping and that the
- kidnappers had let him go partly because they had been much
- moved by reading some 50,000 words of his private diary covering
- 1936! In Oriental eyes there was nothing preposterous about all
- this--it was just Chinese "face saving."
- </p>
- <p> Straight to her kidnapped husband rushed impulsive Mme Chiang
- and made him comfortable with a new set of false teeth she had
- brought in her purse. Next thing China knew, Generalissimo
- Chiang, Mme Chiang and Banker Soong all joined in sending the
- most positive orders to the Nanking Government that it forces
- under War Minister General Ho Ying-chin must not approach any
- nearer to Sian, and they halted in their tracks.
- </p>
- <p> Unquestionably cash--millions in ransom for China's Premier--figured in the deal made at Sian, and presumably this was
- handled entirely by T. V. Soong in as non-governmental a
- capacity as possible. After all it was his own brother-in-law
- he was trying to rescue, and the House of Soong is the No. 1
- family of China. Agreement having been reached--and apparently
- the kidnapper forgot all about his original high-sounding demand
- that the kidnappee must lead China into an immediate war with
- Japan.
- </p>
- <p> [In fact, it was the Communists who had been reading Chiang's
- diaries and had become convinced of his will to fight the
- Japanese. There followed, a few months later, a skirmish--the
- "incident at the Marco Polo Bridge" outside Peking--that
- pitched the two sides into full-scale war. The instigators will
- never be known, but unlike the Manchurian provocation of 1931,
- it was almost certainly not manufactured by the Japanese.]
- </p>
- <p>(July 19, 1937)
- </p>
- <p> Meanwhile Japanese forces in North China had given notice of
- daytime maneuvers near Peiping. Savage shooting began at night
- and according to a Chinese official communique: "The Japanese
- fired first after certain persons had fired on Japanese emerging
- from Fengtai barracks for night maneuvers around Wanpinhsien and
- Lukouchiao." These two centres soon saw pitched battles in which
- 16 Japanese and some 200 Chinese were killed, with Japanese
- artillery plunking poorly aimed shells, one of which landed in
- the empty bed of a local Chinese magistrate. Increasingly sharp
- fighting made it no clearer who were the "certain persons" who
- opened fire before the Japanese "fired first," but the Chinese
- Government at Nanking for the first time began acting as if it
- were ready for war with Japan.
- </p>
- <p> Never before has Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek been
- reported sending on troop trains, in the direction of Japanese
- forces, the German-trained army of crack Chinese troops known
- as "Chiang's Own." Latest dispatches said these were rumbling
- from central toward northern China, and the Japanese Embassy
- officials had been handed a Chinese note of such unprecedented
- vigor that they were visibly flabbergasted. The note demanded
- that the Japanese Government "formally apologize for the
- hostilities" in North China, then "punish the Japanese officers
- responsible and pay an indemnity for the Chinese casualties."
- </p>
- <p>(August 9, 1937)
- </p>
- <p> In Nanking last week the Dictator of China, wise and watchful
- Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, manifestoed: "China is determined
- to fight to the last man!...The policy of our Government has
- been consistent from beginning to end; namely, that we cannot
- surrender any territory or allow our sovereignty to be
- encroached upon. I call upon the Nation to mobilize our total
- resources and struggle hand-in-hand to save China!"
- </p>
- <p>(September 6, 1937)
- </p>
- <p> In Tokyo last week, Cabinet Ministers scuttled in & out of
- Emperor Hirohito's moat-encircled palace. The assent of the Son
- of Heaven was required to dozens of decisions, most important
- of all to the drastic decision of the military high command to
- ship Japan's entire regular army--some 260,000 men--across
- the sea to China.
- </p>
- <p> Staring glassily through his myopic eyes, and nodding his
- flat, imperial head, Hirohito gave approval to military plans
- which launched Japan upon a great national adventure.
- </p>
- <p> Every few centuries since long before Christ, history has
- repeated itself in China. A warlike people, coming usually from
- the north, covets the vast fertile plains lying north and south
- of the peninsula of Shantung. Advancing step by step in a few
- years or a few generations, they seize the ground they cover.
- Such was evidently the modest plan of the Japanese who know
- their history when, advancing from Manchukuo, they set out in
- July to take possession of the northern part of Hopei Province.
- Their plans for an inexpensive pay-as-you-go conquest was rudely
- upset by the explosion at Shanghai when the Chinese attempted
- to bomb the Japanese admiral's flagship and attacked the
- Japanese forces in the International Settlement.
- </p>
- <p> Last week's decision to ship the entire Japanese Army to China
- meant but one thing: Japan had committed herself to speeding up
- the slow process of history many times repeated in three
- millenniums. At Shanghai, nearly 100,000 Japanese troops were
- already involved. The campaign could no longer be fought
- locally. A new field of operations had been opened and the great
- triangle between Peiping, Shanghai and the mountains on the west
- had become a potential battleground.
- </p>
- <p> [The Chinese bravely defended Shanghai, but could not hold
- back the tide elsewhere. North China was completely infested by
- the Japanese, whose naval forces began blockading the Chinese
- coast and pushing up the major rivers. By autumn, the Japanese
- had 200,000 men, almost their entire standing army, in China.
- In November, Shanghai fell; in December, Nanking, Chiang's
- capital. After the Japanese army entered the capital city, one
- of the most horrific incidents of this or any war took place:
- the "rape of Nanking," in which Japanese radical officers went
- mad with blood lust and butchered 200,000-300,000 people. News
- reports only began filtering out when the carnage was over.]
- </p>
- <p>(February 14, 1938)
- </p>
- <p> With Japanese last week still forbidding foreign
- correspondents to go to captured Nanking, the Chicago Daily News
- received last week one of the best eyewitness accounts thus far
- of the "Nanking atrocities" from its Far East Ace Reporter A.T.
- Steele.
- </p>
- <p> "I have seen jackrabbit drives in the West, in which a cordon
- of hunters closes in on the helpless rabbits and drives them
- into a pen, where they are clubbed or shot. The spectacle at
- Nanking after the Japanese captured the city was very much the
- same, with human beings as the victims...
- </p>
- <p> "The Japanese were bent on butchery. They were not to be
- content until they had slaughtered every soldier or official
- they could lay hands on...One Japanese soldier stood over the
- growing pile of corpses with a rifle pouring bullets into any
- of the bodies which showed movement.
- </p>
- <p> "This may be war to the Japanese, but it looked like murder
- to me." Best estimates are that the Japanese executed 20,000
- at Nanking, slew 114,000 Chinese soldiers in the
- Shanghai-Nanking phase of the war, lost 11,200 Japanese in this
- phase.
- </p>
- <p>(April 18, 1938)
- </p>
- <p> Protestant and Jewish philanthropic groups with branches in
- China had by last week brought together in the U.S. fairly full
- eyewitness and photographic data on the butchery and rape which
- reigned in Nanking for over a month after this capital of China
- fell. There has been the most drastic shakeup by Tokyo of
- officers whose Japanese soldiers went berserk in Nanking. Even
- long-eared General Iwane Matsui, the Commander-in-Chief of the
- victorious Japanese offensive, has been recalled to Japan.
- </p>
- <p> A typical and horrifying case history is that of a young
- Chinese girl brought in a basket litter on January 26 to the
- Mission hospital in Nanking. She said that her husband, a
- Chinese policeman, was seized by one of the Japanese execution
- squads on the same day that she was taken by Japanese soldiers
- from a hut in the Safety Zone to the South City. She was kept
- there for 38 days, she said, and attacked by Japanese soldiers
- from five to ten times each day.
- </p>
- <p> Since many of the women raped were killed and buried
- indiscriminately with Chinese civilians, police and soldiers
- dispatched by the Japanese execution squads, there are no
- reliable statistics, but last week every white authority agreed
- that modern history does not afford another instance of such
- wholesale rape.
- </p>
- <p> Robbery and looting also flourished in Nanking for many weeks.
- The number of Chinese executed, not killed in battle, totals by
- the most conservative Nanking estimates 20,000. Excerpt from a
- Nanking letter written at the worst period: "One [Chinese] boy
- of seventeen came in with the tale of about 10,000 Chinese men
- between the ages of 15 and 30 who were led out of the city on
- the 14th [of January] to the river bank near the ferry wharf.
- There the Japanese opened up on them with field guns, hand
- grenades and machine guns. Most of them were then pushed into
- the river, some were burned in huge piles, and three managed to
- escape. Of the 10,000 the boy figured there were about 6,000
- ex-soldiers and 4,000 civilians.
- </p>
- <p> [By the end of the war's first year, the Japanese occupied
- 400,000 sq. mi. of China, including all or part of twelve
- provinces, both of China's capital cities, Peking and Nanking,
- and nearly all of its major ports. The Chinese government had
- retreated up the Yangtze River to the gorges and mountains of
- Chungking, in Szechwan province. The Japanese had killed or
- wounded an estimated 1,300,000 Chinese at a cost of 300,000
- Japanese casualties. But the duration and cost of the war, some
- $4,000,000 a day, was a heavy burden on a country that had
- anticipated only a three-month romp through the countryside.
- Furthermore, between Chiang's scorched-earth policy for
- captured Chinese cities, and harassment by Mao's guerrillas, who
- had seeped in thousands behind enemy lines, the Japanese were
- deriving little economic benefit from the occupation.]</p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>